Board Information
Thursday November 8, 2012
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7.A. Board Meeting Minutes 10-11-2012.pdfAgenda Item* 10. A-J. Financial Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.D. LPRCA October Report.pdfAgenda Item 9.A. PPO Meeting Minutes 11-6-2012.pdfAgenda Item 9.B. FEL Meeting Minutes 11-6-2012.pdfAgenda - Final.pdfAgenda Item* 12. GM Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.A. NRCS Report.pdfAgenda - Resolutions.pdf
Tuesday November 6, 2012
6:30 PM
Programs, Projects & Operations Subcommittee
Agenda .pdfAgenda Item 6.a. Relocation of Washington County Rural Water #2 Facilities Along Hwy 133 - Interlocal Agreement with NDOR.pdfAgenda Item 6.b. Relocation of Washington County Rural Water #2 Facilities Along Hwy 133 - Interlocal Agreement with City of Blair.pdfAgenda Item 8. Glacier Creek Project Purchase Agreement.pdfAgenda Item 9. Big Papio Creek Levee (Q to Harrison) - Ralston Creek Outlet Drainage Structure Request for Additional Professional Services.pdfAgenda Item* 10. Bids for 2013 Mack Dump Truck.pdfAgenda Item* 11. Bids for 2013 District Vehicles.pdfAgenda Item* 12. NDEQ Tire Recycling Grant Application.pdfAgenda Item 7. Interlocal Agreement for Dam Site 15A with City of Omaha.pdfAgenda Item* 13. Platte River Trail (Hwy 50 to Lied Bridge) Bid Opening.pdf
6:45 PM