Board Information
Thursday November 13, 2014
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7.A. Board Meeting Minutes 10-9-2014.pdfAgenda Item* 11.A-I. Financial Report.pdfAgenda Item* 10.A. Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Ad Hoc Subcommittee Minutes 11-6-2014.pdfAgenda Item* 13. GM Report.pdfAgenda Item* 12. Appointment of Ad Hoc Consultant Subcommittee - Big Papio Levee Culverts Project.pdfAgenda - Final.pdfAgenda Item* 10.B. PPO Subcommittee Minutes 11-12-2014.pdfAgenda Item* 10.C. FEL Subcommittee Minutes 11-12-2014.pdfAgenda Item 9. Public Hearing on the Elkhorn River 240th Street Bank Stabilization Project.pdfAgenda Item 8.A. NRCS November Report.pdfAgenda - Resolutions.pdf
Wednesday November 12, 2014
7:00 PM
Finance, Expenditures, and Legal Subcommittee Meeting
6:30 PM
Programs, Projects, and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda .pdfAgenda Item 6. Tekamah-Mud Watershed PL 566 Structures Rehabilitation Project Agreement with NRCS.pdfAgenda Item 7. Final Adoption of the Integrated Management Plan Groundwater Control Rules & Regulations.pdfAgenda Item* 11. Amend District Appendix K - Rules & Regulations for P-MRNRD Recreation Areas & Appendix L - Papio Trails System.pdfAgenda Item* 10. Resolution to Accept Sealed Bids for the Disposal of Soil Aggregates within the Dam Site 15A Project.pdfAgenda Item 8. Chalco Hills Park Residence.pdfAgenda Item 9. Renewal of Agreement witn NE Game & Parks Youth Mentored Hunting.pdf
Thursday November 6, 2014
6:00 PM