Board Information
Tuesday April 6, 2010
6:30 PM
Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda Item 7 - Wetland Stream Channel Mitigation Bank Wildlife Habitat Area for Pigeon Jones Watershed Offline Storage Area.pdfAgenda Item 9 - Rain Garden Bids.pdfAgenda Item* 10 - Papio Missouri River NRD Master Plan.pdfAgenda Item* 11 a-d - FY 2011 Urban Cost Share Programs.pdfAgenda Item* 11e - Stormwater Best Management Practices Program FY 2011 Applications.pdfAgenda Item 8 - Waterloo Levee Design Interlocal Agreement Amendment #3.pdfAgenda Item*13.a. - Glacier Creek Wetland Stream Mitigation Bank Professional Services Contract.pdfAgenda Item*13.b. - Rumsey Station West Design Contract.pdfAgenda Item 6 - West Papillion Creek Flood Control Interlocal with Papillion and Sarpy County.pdfAgenda .pdfAgenda Item*14 - NRC Roof Replacement.pdfAgenda Item*12 - Keystone Trail Stabilization Project.pdf
Thursday March 11, 2010
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7B - DCRW Meeting Minutes - 2-10-10.pdfAgenda Item 7C - WCRW1 Meeting Minutes - 2-17-10.pdfAgenda Item 7A - P-MRNRD Meeting Minutes - 2/11/10.pdfAgenda Item 8D - Lower Platte River Corridor Alliance ReportAgenda Item* 10.A-I. - Financial Report.pdfAgenda Item* 12 - GM Report.pdfAgenda .pdfAgenda Item 9A -Blair Service Center Ad Hoc Consultant Selection Subcommittee Meeting Minutes - 3/9/10.pdfAgenda Item 9C - Finance, Expenditures and Legal Subcommittee Meeting Minutes - 3/9/10.pdfAgenda Item 9B - Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee Meeting Minutes - 3/9/10.pdfAgenda Draft Resolutions.pdf
Tuesday March 9, 2010
6:30 PM
Blair Service Center Ad Hoc Consultant Selection Subcommittee
6:40 PM
Programs, Projects and Operations Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda Item 7.a. - WP-5 Project - Report Phase 1.pdfAgenda .pdfAgenda Item 6 - Farm Process Pilot Groundwater Flow Model.pdfAgenda Item 8 - Carter Lake Water Quality Improvement Project - Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with City of Omaha.pdfAgenda Item 9 - Papillion Creek Watershed Partnership Software Purchase.pdfAgenda Item 7.b. - Phase 2 Contract for Engineering Services with HDR Engineering for WP-5.pdf
7:00 PM
Finance, Expenditures and Legal Subcommittee
Agenda .pdfAgenda Item 6 - Retirement of Revenue Bonds Dakota & Washington County Rural Water Systems.pdfAgenda Item 7 - Floodway Purchase 24219 Martin Ave, King Lake.pdfAgenda Item 9 - Papillion Creek Watershed Structure W-3 Rehab Project Camden Property Temporary Easement.pdfAgenda Item 8 - Account Over 110 Percent Conservation Assistance Program.pdf
Thursday February 11, 2010
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda Item 7B - DCRW Meeting Minutes 1-13-10.pdfAgenda Item* 10.A-I - Financials.pdfAgenda Item* 12 - GM Report.pdfAgenda Item 8.E. - LPRCA Monthly Report.pdfAgenda Item 9.A. - PPO Meeting Minutes - 2/9/10.pdfAgenda item 9.B. - FEL Meeting Minutes - 2/9/10.pdfAgenda - .pdfAgenda - Draft Resolution.pdfAgenda Draft Resoltuions Bonding Resolution .pdfAgenda Item* 11.A. - Chairperson's Report - Procedures for Protecting Native American Burial Grounds.pdfAgenda Item 7A - P-MRNRD Meeting Minutes- 1/14/10.pdf
Tuesday February 9, 2010
7:00 PM
Finance, Expenditures and Legal Subcommittee
Agenda Item 6.A - Platte River Ice Thickness Measurement Along Union Dike.pdfAgenda Item 6.B - Update on Construction of Flood Fighting Measures.pdfAgenda Item 7 - Issuance of Flood Control and Water Quality Enhancement Bonds.pdfAgenda Item 8 - Acquisition of Property from SID 196.pdfAgenda Item 6.E - WS CC Flood Reduction Project Sponsor Memorandum of Agreement.pdfAgenda Item 9 - Status Report on Papio Creek Watershed Structure W3 Land Rights.pdfAgenda .pdfAgenda Item 6.D - WS CC Flood Reduction Project Beacon View Inc. Easement.pdfAgenda Item 6.C - WS CC Flood Reduction Project BNSF Railway Company Easement.pdf
6:30 PM
Programs, Projects & Operations
Agenda Item 6 - Urban Drainageway Program - City of Valley.pdfAgenda Item 7 - Report of Trailfest.pdfAgenda Item 9 - Request from Olsson Associates for Additional Professional Services Fees for Silver Creek Watershed.pdfAgenda Item* 10 - NRCS request for approval of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SECTION 1619 COMPLIANCE.pdfAgenda Item 8 - City of LaVista Thompson Creek Floodplain Buyout Grant.pdfAgenda .pdf