The Passing of Marlin Petermann

It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the passing of our colleague, friend, and mentor Marlin Petermann.  Marlin worked for the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District for 47 years, the majority as assistant general manager. To say Marlin was passionate about his job is a vast understatement. He loved his work and many times was the last one to leave the office. Time spent at one’s desk does not always equate dedication, but for Marlin that certainly was the case.

Marlin had an important job that directly impacted each of us and our communities on many levels, especially public safety. A most recent example is the flood of 2019. Marlin, his team, and our various emergency management partners made critical decisions before, during, and after the flood that not only helped minimized the immediate destruction, but quickly put in motion strategies that would further reduce damage to vital infrastructure and communities, such as Offutt Air Force Base and the City of Bellevue.

This time of year, Marlin would be gearing up to monitor the Platte and Elkhorn rivers for potential ice jams. It’s probably fair to say these rivers were probably his “second home” due to his time spent overhead via helicopter, as well as on the ground. Again, for the sake of public safety.

Marlin worked tirelessly with local, county, state, and federal governments and created countless public/private partnerships that not only made our communities safer and enhanced our quality of life through his work with many District programs, such as flood mitigation, trails, conservation efforts, etc., while enhancing our natural resources along the way.

Marlin was well known and highly respected by all he worked with…and with good reason (too many to count). He was a Papio NRD institution. He truly was.

Marlin had a beautiful family and we ask that you join us in keeping his wife Cynthia, children, and grandchildren in your thoughts.








Big Elk Lake & Portal Recreation Area Officially Open to the Public  

Omaha Tribe Holds Cedar Ceremony to Bless Flood Mitigation Reservoir Named in Honor of Chief Big Elk


Chief Big Elk – Henry Inman (American, 1801–1846), Onpon Tonga (Big Elk), 1830s, oil on canvas, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, Museum purchase from the Edward R. Trabold and Lulu H. Trabold Fund with additional funds from the Durham Center for Western Studies Art Endowment Fund, 2011.2

The Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Papio NRD), the City of Papillion, Sarpy County, and many community partners, today celebrated the grand opening of Big Elk Lake and Portal Recreation Area, Papillion’s two new flood mitigation reservoirs that provide flood protection for Papillion and Sarpy County citizens, as well as recreational benefits and green space.

The Papio NRD Board of Directors voted last June to name the Papillion reservoir, located near 108th & Cornhusker Road. Big Elk Lake in honor of Chief Big Elk, a principal leader of the Omaha Tribe. Portal Recreation Area is located nearby at 114th and Cornhusker Road.

To kick off the ceremony, Dr. Rudi Mitchell, the great-great-great grandson of Chief Big Elk of the Omaha Tribe, held a cedar ceremony (burning cedar on charcoal) to bless the lake and surrounding recreation area. Mitchell also read aloud the famous speech Chief Big Elk gave upon returning from a treaty negotiation in Washington D.C., where he warned his people of the impending flood of settlers that threatened Omaha homelands and lifeways.

Mitchell said he is very pleased with the recognition of his ancestor.

“Until today, there was no tribute to Chief Big Elk in Omaha, said Mitchell. “Big Elk was admired for leading one of the most peaceful tribes through many challenges. Through his speeches, trading, and peace treaties, Big Elk had a gift for peacefully bringing settlers and the Omaha tribe together,” said Mitchell. “This says a lot about the kind of leader he was and I’m grateful he will be remembered in an area of beauty and nature.”

Glenna Mitchell Slater, also a descendant of Big Elk and one of the few Omaha Tribe certified fluent language speakers and teachers, is touched to see the lake entrance monument bear Chief Big Elk’s name interpreted in the Omaha language: Oⁿpoⁿ Toⁿga.

“I want to thank the Papio NRD board for accepting my request to place our Chief Big Elk’s Omaha Tribal Indian name to be translated under his name on the entrance sign,” said Mitchell Slater.

While the primary purpose of the new reservoirs is to help protect the lives and property of citizens from floods, they also feature recreational amenities, such as walking/cycling trails, kayak/canoe launches, picnic shelters, park land, and fishery enhancements.

“Chief Big Elk is one of the most notable figures in Sarpy County history. He was fiercely protective of his people, but also known as a peaceful leader who valued alliances,” said John Winkler, general manager of the Papio NRD. “Naming this flood mitigation reservoir in honor of him – a structure designed to protect the people of Sarpy County made possible through partnerships and surrounded by acres of beauty and peaceful natural resources – seems like a perfect way to commemorate all that Chief Big Elk stood for. It has been an absolute honor working with the Omaha Tribe on this special project,” said Winkler.

Papillion Mayor David Black said the city is excited for the completion of Big Elk Lake and Portal Recreation Area and thanks the Papio NRD for its continued commitment to providing vital flood protection to the area.

“In addition to the flood protection, the recreational opportunities these areas will provide are invaluable to our community,” said Black. “The City of Papillion values our long-term partnership with the NRD, and we are proud to bring these new areas into our park system,” said Black.

Big Elk Lake and Portal Recreation Area are now open to the public.




Papio NRD Decreases Property Tax Levy

Papio NRD Board Approves Proposed 2022 Budget

At its September 9th meeting, the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District Board of Directors voted to approve the Fiscal Year 2022 general operating budget that includes a decrease in the Papio NRD property tax levy.

“It is our fiduciary responsibility to save taxpayer dollars and we are proud the Papio NRD’s property tax levy will decrease again this year,” said John Winkler, general manager of the Papio NRD. “For 16 out of 17 years, the District has either decreased (10 years), or kept the tax levy the same,” said Winkler. This is the Papio NRD’s lowest mill levy since 2015.

The Papio NRD will drop its property tax mill levy 2.25% this fiscal year. More importantly, even though LB 408, a bill to limit political subdivisions property tax spending, failed to pass last legislative session, the Papio NRD thought it extremely important to live up to the spirit and goals of the bill to control the growth of property taxes.

“Due to sound fiscal management; healthy and growing valuations and overall economy; as well as strong local, state, and federal partnerships, the Papio NRD is able to wisely conserve our financial and natural resources,” says Winkler.

The FY22 budget calls for a property tax levy of .035669 per $100 of assessed valuation, which means a homeowner with property valued at $100,000 would pay a total of $35.67 a year or $2.97 a month in property taxes next year to support Papio NRD projects. The budget calls for an estimated $28.2 million in revenue from the Papio NRD’s property tax levy. The total operating budget is estimated at $85.4 million.

The Papio NRD’s property tax levy utilizes less than two percent of a homeowner’s total property tax bill who lives within the District’s six-county area. The levy is based on an estimated 5.88% increase in valuations across the District, which includes all of Sarpy, Douglas, Washington, and Dakota counties, plus the eastern 60% of Burt and Thurston counties.



Grand Re-Opening of Lied Bridge & MoPac Trail

Repairs to damage caused by historic flood of 2019 complete

Recreation enthusiasts showed up in droves along the Platte River Saturday, July 3, to celebrate the official grand re-opening of the Lied Platte River Bridge and MoPac Trail, which were damaged by the flood of 2019. The Lied Platte River Bridge is the only crossing along the Platte River that connects Lincoln and Omaha by the MoPac Trail.


“It’s incredible to bring together people riding bicycles, other trail users, community leaders and groups, as well as partner agencies who helped us complete extensive repairs to the Lied Bridge following the flood of 2019,” said John Winkler, general manager of the Papio NRD. “Flood damage devasted this popular pedestrian crossing and lack of access to it was certainly felt. We’re thrilled to see it back in action so quickly,” said Winkler.

For the past two years, the Papio NRD has worked closely with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and Lower Platte South NRD on four flood-related repair projects on the Lied Bridge and MoPac Trail.


Eric Williams, natural resources planner for the Papio NRD said the projects totaled over $525,000, a majority of which will be reimbursed by FEMA as part of disaster recovery assistance.

The projects included: removal of large debris from the bridge, removal and replacement of damaged parts of the fence and railing, repair and replacement of the ice breaker structures under the bridge, and reconstruction of the trail connecting link from Highway 31 to the east end of the bridge.

“It’s been a two-year project collaborating with the Papio-Missouri River NRD and the Lower Platte South NRD and we are super excited to be reopening the Lied Bridge and MoPac Trail after the devastating flood of 2019,” said Adam Johns, park superintendent III at Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. “It’s great that visitors can once again enjoy the wonderful views of the Platte River that this bridge and trail have to offer,” said Johns.

“Sometimes we don’t know what we have ‘til it’s gone,” said Lower Platte South NRD Board Chair Deborah Eagan. “Losing access to the Lied Bridge brought tremendous interest from trail users who were anxious to see it repaired and reopened. Fortunately, the damage was able to be fixed in an effective and efficient manner.  We are excited to have this important local and national link to our trail systems restored.  Thanks to all who coordinated, cooperated and communicated to see this project finalized,” said Eagan.

(left to right) Eric Williams, Papio NRD Natural Resources Planner; Bill Oligmueller, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Regional Superintendent; Senator Rob Clements; Ron Nolte, Lower Platte South NRD Board of Directors; Jim Peterson, Cass County Commissioner; Janet McCartney, Cass County Commissioner; Deborah Eagan, Lower Platte South NRD Board Chair; Julie Harris, Bike Walk Nebraska Executive Director


The Lied Platte River Bridge, a former railroad bridge, was converted to bicycle and pedestrian access in 2001. The bridge and connecting trails are critical components of the Great American Rail-Trail through Nebraska. The Great American Rail-Trail is a project of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy to create the nation’s first cross-country, multi-use trail, spanning from Washington, DC to Washington state.

“We cannot overstate the importance of having the Lied Bridge back open for bicycling,” said Julie Harris, executive director of Bike Walk Nebraska. “Not only is it a key connection for people riding locally between Omaha and Lincoln, the bridge also provides a regional connection to 120 miles of trail on the west and over 100 miles on the east, creating enormous potential for bicycle tourism in eastern Nebraska,” said Harris.





Public Input on Papio NRD Master Plan Update

The public is invited to provide input on the Papio NRD Master Plan Draft update on Thursday, June 3 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., and Tuesday, June 8 at 4:00 p.m.

P-MRNRD Master Plan, Public Input Meeting via Zoom Meeting
Thursday, June 3rd at 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Presentation of material will be at 4:00 p.m., and again at 5:15 p.m.
Input can be sent by email to

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 1268 1461
Passcode: 211130
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,84012681461# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,84012681461# US (San Jose)

Public input will also be received during the regularly scheduled Subcommittee meeting of the Board of Directors on Tuesday, June 8th at 4:00 p.m. at the Natural Resources Center.






Lower Platte River Ice Conditions Update



With a warming trend underway, The National Weather Service Omaha, Papio NRD, Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), United States Geologic Survey, and other agency partners, have been actively monitoring river ice conditions and coordinating a response for ice jams and potential spring flooding along the Platte River.

Here are the latest river conditions and temperature forecasts:

Ice Jam/Potential Flooding Updates

  • Dodge County Emergency Management says the ice jam south of Fremont at Highway 77  has opened up and floodwaters are receding.

Helpful Online Resources

 Below is a list of resources to help keep the public informed on the status of river conditions, weather forecasts regarding the potential threat of flooding, and ice monitoring for ice jams.

National Weather Service

For information regarding river levels, reservoir data and snow pack information on the Lower Platte, Elkhorn, and Missouri rivers, as well as weather forecasting:


Media Inquiries

 For media inquiries regarding river conditions and weather forecasts, please contact:

National Weather Service Omaha
David Pearson, Service Hydrologist, at 402-359-5732 or

For media inquiries regarding ice thickness measurements and the potential for ice blasting, please contact:

The Papio NRD
Jennifer Stauss Story, Public Relations/Education Programs Manager at 402-960-5329 or



Increasing Safety of Rural Intersections Through Conservation Efforts

Rural intersections can be dangerous when tall crops obstruct the view of approaching traffic. The Papio NRD is proud to be a partner in the Pollinator Safety Corners program that offers landowners incentives to plant new habitat at rural intersections, such as a diverse mix of short grasses and wildflowers, to help provide an adequate sight distance at intersections.

Through the 319 Grant Program, a new incentives program for farmstead improvements and agricultural enhancements, landowners within the Papillion Creek Watershed who participate in the Pollinator Safety Corners program receive an annual $350 per acre for each year of the 5-year contract.

Kyle Madsen, watershed coordinator for the Papio NRD says he sees the Pollinators Safety Corners program to be a win-win for farmers and the community by increasing safety through conservation efforts.

Anyone interested in learning more about the program can contact Madsen at or 402-350-3695.

Please see flyers below for program details and guidelines.

Safety Corners Program Guidelines


Virtual Public Meeting for Papillion Creek Basin Draft Final Feasibility Report


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with the Papio Missouri River Natural Resources District, will hold a virtual public meeting to present results of the draft final feasibility report for the Papillion Creek General Re-evaluation study. The purpose of the study is to develop alternatives to reduce flood risks and improve public safety within the Papillion Creek Basin in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties.


Wednesday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m.


The virtual public meeting can be accessed at: For best audio results, after opening WebEx, select the “Call Me” option, enter your phone number and then click the “Join Meeting” button. The system will call you and ask you to enter “1” to join the meeting. For those who cannot log on to the WebEx, a dial-in only option exists (844-800- 2712 Access code: 199 133 0340).


The purpose of this virtual meeting is to provide the public an opportunity to review results of the Papillion Creek General Re-evaluation study report before it is submitted to Lieutenant General Scott Spellmon, USACE Chief of Engineers, for consideration,” said Rachel Williams, project manager with the Corps. If approved by General Spellmon, the project would be recommended to Congress for approval and funding in the next Water Resources Development Act.

The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) is federal legislation, traditionally passed every two years, that provides authorization for USACE to study and construct flood control, ecosystem restoration and navigation projects for the benefit of the Nation. The last WRDA bill to pass was in 2020.


The draft final feasibility report, including environmental assessment and report appendices, can be downloaded from

Up-to-date meeting details are available on the project website or by calling Amanda Grint with the Papio Missouri River NRD at (402) 444-6222.




New Papio NRD Board Members Sworn In

Two recently elected members of the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Papio NRD) Board of Directors were sworn in at last night’s board meeting. 

Patrick Bonnett, who previously served on the Papio NRD Board from 2012-2016, replaces Mark Gruenewald in Subdistrict 9, who joined the board in 2017. Phil Davidson, City of Bellevue Community Relations Coordinator, defeated incumbent John Wiese in Subdistrict 11, who served since 2016.

Incumbent Larry Bradley, a former board member who rejoined the Papio NRD Board in 2017, retains his seat in Subdistrict 3 after defeating challenger Christian Mirch. Incumbents Ted Japp (Subdistrict 1), Rich Tesar (Subdistrict 5), and Danny Begley (Subdistrict 7) ran unopposed.

Additional members of the Papio NRD Board of Directors include Fred Conley (Subdistrict 2), Tim McCormick (Subdistrict 4), Jim Thompson (Subdistrict 6), Tim Fowler (Subdistrict 8), Kevyn Sopinski (Subdistrict 10).


