Keeping People Away from Flood Waters –

Nonstructural Flood Control

Throughout history, our nations broad and flat floodplains (areas of land adjacent to our rivers and streams) were naturally suited for building and travel. However, these same areas are also naturally prone to flooding – nature’s way of reclaiming the river’s or stream’s total environment.  There are numerous effective flood control programs and activities of the NRD directed at keeping our floodplains safer and reducing the potential for loss of life and property.

Floodplain, Flood Hazard Information
Is your property in a Floodplain?

New digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps exist for Douglas County, Sarpy County, Wahington County, and other areas within the Papio-Missouri River NRD area.  View the links below to determine flood hazard for a specific property or contact the NRD staff listed at the bottom of this page.

More information on floodplain management throughout Nebraska and the nation can be found at:
NE Department of Natural Resources Floodplain Management
Flood Insurance Information
Federal Emergency Management Agency

Latest NEWS

June 2016 – The Papio-Missouri River NRD Board of Directors has approved contracting for an update of Papillion Creek Watershed hydrology to provide new flood hazard information which could potentially factor into floodplain mapping due for release by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 2019. Much of the Omaha metro area is within this watershed. Read More

Floodplain Management

Technical Assistance is available through our NRD to cities, counties, other zoning jurisdictions, developers, insurance agents and individuals seeking flood hazard information and recommendations on proper uses of our floodplains.

Floodway Purchase

The Floodway Purchase program, begun in 1990, reduces future flood damage through the purchase of land and property from willing sellers. This effort has already been highly successful in removing flood-prone buildings along the Missouri River south of Bellevue, NE. Once structures have been removed, the area is allowed to return to its natural floodplain functions. Over 100 structures along the Missouri River in Sarpy County have been removed.

In addition, the City of Omaha in cooperation with the NRD has acquired several flood-prone properties in South Omaha and also along Cole Creek. The District has begun acquiring flood prone properties along the Elkhorn River in the King Lake area of western Douglas County. Five properties have been purchased to date.

Flood Mitigation Planning And Mapping Assistance

Being prepared for floods also means taking precautions ahead of time to prevent flood damage. However, most communities today don’t have plans for such precautions. That is why the NRD has cost-shared with several communities throughout the District to study and prepare plans which will help them improve drainage-ways, remove flood-prone properties, or simply educate their citizens on the flood hazards.

In 2010, the NRD worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State Department of Natural Resources to prepare a comprehensive All-Hazards plan for the entire District, including separate reports for each community and county.

For more Information contact:

Amanda Grint
Water Resources Engineer

Lori Laster, CFM
Stormwater Management Engineer