While driving around Washington county recently, you may have noticed how dangerous some of our four-way rural intersections have become due to the height of corn. Tall crops often obstruct the line-of-sight needed at rural intersections. The Papio NRD, along with Pheasants Forever, The Nebraska Environmental Trust, and Nebraska Game & Parks offer a cost-share program to improve safety while also providing a benefit to pollinators.

The Pollinator Safety Corners Program allows landowners to take one to three acres at a four-way rural intersection out of crop production and seeded into a mix of short, native grasses or pollinator habitat. Landowners receive 75% cost-share on seed mix. In addition, the program provides an annual payment of $250/acre for 5 years. Some participants even choose to install bee boxes on their safety corners.

“The Pollinator Safety Corners Program helps save the lives of both people and pollinators,” said Papio NRD Land & Water Programs Coordinator Terry Schumacher. “It’s a great way to increase the overall safety in our communities while also benefitting our ecosystem.”

For more information, contact the Papio NRD Blair field office at (402) 426-4782 ext. 3.


