High river flows occasionally force the Papio NRD to temporarily close the river access parks for safety purposes. Closures for Elkhorn River parks are called for when the Elkhorn River gage at Waterloo reads a stage of four feet or greater. Platte River Landing will close when the gage at Leshara reads seven feet or above.

River access ramps may need to be cleaned of silt, debris and safety inspected before reopening.

Status of Elkhorn & Platte River Access Parks:

(A) Elkhorn Crossing (intersection of 252nd & Bennington Road) – CLOSED

(B) West Maple Road Site (West Maple Road northeast of Waterloo) – CLOSED

(C) Platte River Landing (near Highway 64) – CLOSED

(D) Graske Crossing (southeast corner of West Dodge Road & west of 204th) – CLOSED



