The Papio-Missouri River NRD is truly a Land of Three Rivers. The historic Platte River is joined by the Elkhorn River to empty into the mighty Missouri River within our borders. Our six-county area also includes numerous creeks or streams scattered throughout that attracted settlers to build homes, farms and businesses. Today. Our waterways must be protected to reduce pollutants and contribute to our quality of life, including recreation.

The NRD places a high priority on working to keep our rivers, lakes and streams (both in rural and urban areas) free of harmful pollutants.
In our rural areas, the NRD cost shares with landowners on the construction of soil and water conservation practices, such as terraces and waterways, to reduce the potentially-polluted sediment load carried by local creeks.

The NRD has “targeted” rural watersheds (areas of land that drain rainfall runoff to a specific creek or lake or river) to address water quality issues as well as flood prevention.
For more information::
Terry Schumacher, Land and Water Programs Coordinator
tschumacher@papionrd.org 402-426-2415
In our more urban areas, the NRD works with other government entities to reduce the amount of rainfall runoff into creeks and vital flood prevention reservoirs..
The NRD is an active participant in the Papillion Creek Watershed Partnership. This group (Cities of Omaha Papillion, Bellevue, LaVista, Gretna, Ralston, Boys Town, Sarpy County and the NRD) is working to find cost-effective, tax-saving solutions to EPA-mandated water quality issues and the ever- increasing threat of disastrous flooding. Visit www.papiopartnership.org.

Below is a list of the major activities we undertake in an effort to meet these challenges.
- Streambank Stabilization
- Stormwater Management
- Technical Review of Erosion Potential
- Cost Sharing
For more information:
Eric Williams
Natural Resources Planner