Business Hours Contact Info

M-F  8:00 a.m. – 12 noon
Call: 402-444-6222

Emergency Service

Weekends, evenings, and holidays:
Call: 712-898-5333 or 712-266-5882

Latest News

The 2023 Water Quality Report is now available. Click here.


The Dakota County Rural Water system began operation in April of 1980 providing service to less than 300 rural households. Since that time, the system has added miles to its distribution system which today provides high quality water service to over 650 rural households in Dakota County. Over 115 miles of pipeline carries groundwater purchased from Dakota City. Delivery and pressure capability is provided by a 300,000 elevated water tower and a pump station for a 25,000 gallon standpipe. An advisory committee of ratepayers keeps the NRD Board of Directors informed of local needs. Customers read their own meters, calculate the charges and submit their payment on a monthly basis. Offices of the rural water personnel are located at the north end of the District’s Natural Resource Conservation building in Dakota City.

Dakota County Rural Water System – Current Water Rates (effective 6/1/2024)


Base Monthly Charge $27.00*
Flat Rate $3.00 /
per 1,000 gals.*

(*) Plus applicable county and state sales tax.
Customer Disconnection Sample Notice

Current Hookup Fees

The hookup fee (benefit unit) for each service desired shall be $4,000.

For more information contact:

Justin Novak, Project Manager

402-315-1706 or 402-616-0969